Appointed Person Course

Full Air Conditioning
Floodlit Practical Training Areas
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This course is aimed at anyone who is required to plan safe systems of work using lifting equipment with no or very little experience of planning lifting operations using mobile cranes.
Course cost: £920 +VAT
Course Description
This 5 day extended course is aimed at anyone who is required to plan safe systems of work using lifting equipment with no or very little experience of planning lifting operations using mobile cranes. Although, thorough understanding of lifting operations is required. This gives additional training as preparation for the Technical test on day five of the course.
The aim of this course is to provide candidates with underpinning knowledge in order for them to understand the role and responsibility of the Appointed Person. Following successful completion of the course candidates will be able to prepare and implement safe systems of work for lifting operations including writing risk assessments and method statements.
Topics covered during this course include:
- Legislation – LOLER, PUWER, HASAWA
- Codes of practice – BS7121
- Roles and responsibilities of personnel involved with lifting operations
- Crane appreciation – crane types, capabilities and limitations
- Duty charts
- Crane terminology
- Site access and egress
- Documentation and certification for lifting equipment and lifting accessories
- Crane stability/ground conditions
- Related Capacity Indicators (RCI’s) and Safe Working Loads (SWL)
- Selection of lifting accessories
- Types of accessories and use
- Mode factors for accessories
- Down rating of accessories
- Sling angles
- Communications
- Planning a lifting operation
- Writing a risk assessment (end test) Writing a method statement (end test)
Successful candidates will be awarded a Red CPCS Trained Operator card endorsed with the category Appointed Person. Please note the red CPCS card is only valid for 2 years, within this time you must complete your NVQ level 5 Diploma to convert from Red card to Blue card. The Blue CPCS card is valid for 5 years, please see NVQ section for more information.
Pre course requirement: The Health Safety & Environment test for Managers & Professionals must be passed before undertaking the CPCS Technical Test. For more details please see the Health & Safety Test information in our brochure or visit our website.